We share real, raw conversations, to provide you with the tools, skills and encouragement you need in order to reach your most authentic self. From trauma, healing and reprogramming She Says, He Says covers all points of self discovery. 

Welcome to She Says, He Says the podcast

Tanya & Trent

Sincere. Authentic.
Unifying. Uplifting.


Breathwork Meditation


Sipping with Intention Audio and Journal

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Coming Soon!

Free Resources

 "I want to express my gratitude and appreciation for your courage, both of you, for first off being present enough to hear the calling for She Says, He Says, but more inspiringly, to take many actions to make it a reality. You have no idea the impact your resolve, your surrendering, your courage, your tenacity and humility will have on this world, nor do I. But I can tell you all these things you do in the face of fear, unworthiness, doubt, stress, etc. have impacted me deeply. You both speak into things that most people choose not to face nor name, let alone unpack and illuminate!"

- Jim Lidback 

For individuals who are searching to be inspired and whole, She Says, He Says is a social media self-help communicator which enables personal fulfillment, because only She Says, He Says explores the human condition and self-improvement that is a result of being insightful, relevant, and open. 

OurMISSION is to enable personal fulfillment.

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